meditation tips

Tips for Meditation for beginners.



Sit on floor on aasan or mat with straight posture back straight and neck erect
Try to sit in your regular time to establish your regular practice
Do not try to control your thoughts let them come and go
Coming thoughts is a natural process by daily practice it may stop one day
Start from only with 15 minutes than you further extent your time slowly
A MORE useful goal is becoming aware of when your mind has drifted sooner
Do your meditation in your own way
Your own daily practice only will reach to your goal
In starting you just only take a normal breathe and concentrate on it
After daily practice you start to become blank then even you cant listen to your breathe
BECOME your friend by yourself —all one—
Before starting meditation remind your own any gurus gods you believe request to help you daily
Before going to bed and sleeping doing meditation gives you good results
Its help to sleep calm quite and sound sleep and release your whole day stress of workload
TRY to sit in your fix time fix place and fix aasans or mat
If you cant able to concentrate you can use AROMA OIL fragrance also its give you relaxation to do meditation
Mild music belonging to nature like water falling music or blowing air natural music whatever you like helps you to concentrate and doing meditation
Improve your metabolism by taking more high rich protein food in lunch and breakfast
Increase your immunity power
Eat seasonal fruits regularly in between breakfast and lunch in between lunch and dinner also
Strictly wear cotton loose comfortable cloths while doing meditation
All above tips helps you to do meditation sincerely and smoothly.

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