
How to worship Mother Durga during Navratris

Every seeker has his own purpose of worshiping Mother Durga. Every devotee wish to fulfill some objective and follow their own process of meditating on Maa Durga. In total, there are two ways to worship the power of Durga Maa.

  1. Worshiping, reciting or chanting daily mantras and Fasting
  2. Meditate deeply and merge yourself with Maa Durga.

Nine different forms of Goddess Durga are worshiped on this holy festival of Navratri (divine nine days). Many seekers do prayers, pujas, homam, meditation and much more to see blessings of Maa Durga but most of them are deprived of obtaining proper results.

How do you get the right results of your worship performed in these days?
What is the right way?

Come, let us understand the basic fundamentals first.

The entire universe exists inside our body. This body has many hidden inner powers. These powers can be awakened in Navaratri by chanting, penance, worship, mantra recitation or meditation. On the occasion of Navratri, positive energy is present everywhere in the universe and around us (by the grace of Mother Durga). We all can be connected with the sacred power of Maa Durga easily during these holy days. But due to the uncertainty of our fickle mind, changing mood, we are unable to connect ourselves with the power of Mother Durga and not achieve the highest level that we deserve in our lives.

Chanting mantra during Navratri

You choose any mantra that you need, such as for wealth, health, peace or for any desire. Fix the time you chant mantra on the first day, follow the same schedule for all nine days. Neither change the time according to your convenience nor reduce the number of mantra. Do minimum 108 times if possible. If you follow right schedule, you will surely get the fruits of your devotion.

Take a pledge that you will follow the schedule of chanting the mantra at the fixed time. By fulfilling such a resolution, you are going to build a sacred bond with Mother Durga, an unwavering faith will bring blessings of the Almighty Mother.

Navratri Shakti Sadhana

During Navratri Shakti Sadhana, you can recite Durga Saptashati or Kunjika Strote. This will eradicate the sin of many births and you will attain virtue. Before reciting Durga Saptashati, it is also necessary to recite the below mentioned mantra. “ ऐं ह्री क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चै” This beej mantra brings blessings of Maa Saraswati, Maa Lakshmi and Maa Kali.

While offering food to Mata, offer it with this mantra “ भैरव भाव स्वः श्री दुर्गाये नमः भोगम समर्पयामी” Through this mantra, the entire food becomes pure and treated as Prasadam.

Importance of fasting in Navratri

Navratri is always a time of seasonal changes. At this time, our immunity decreases and any disease could enter in our body.

Fasting is a type of process to get the body toxins out. We know through mythological stories that our Rishi (sages) who have performed severe saadhna and fasting have attained many siddhis. They acheived eternal bliss. Due to the eating habits of our present day lifestyle, the body of a normal human being is home of many diseases. In the process of fasting, this acid in the stomach also ends bile, gas and acidity. Due to the cleanness of the stomach, it can also reduce the bad breath, breathing problem. Due to release of toxic from the body, the body is detoxified.

There is also a rule of fasting. You can start with a fruit or one time meal. Just try to follow the comitted schedule while eating food too. Do the same process for nine days, thus whatever way you worship Maa Durga, you can definitely be fruitful with true devotion.