gayatri mantra

Chant the Gayatri mantra

If you chant the Gayatri mantra one thousand and eight times daily with reverence and correct pronunciation, if done for 21 days, then my good time will start in your life, there is a barrier in achieving success in your life, that too will start to end.

With continuous chanting of Gayatri Mantra, the vibrations that are located in your body are released by the relaxing hormones.

The life of a seeker is not only a spiritual advancement, but also a spiritual advancement. The obedient one also progresses. Obediently opens up the knowledge of all the truths of the universe. There is spiritual progress by going into the depths of meditation.

Calms the mind: The chant of the mantra starts with Om. The enunciation of this sound sends a vibration through your lips, tongue, palate, back of your throat and skull, which is said to be extremely calming to the mind and helps in the release of relaxing hormones. What’s more, the syllables of the Gayatri Mantra are so devised that they help a person concentrate and thereby calms the mind.

Improves immunity: The pressure on tongue, lips, vocal cord, palate and the connecting regions in the brain generated by the continuous enunciation of the Gayatri Mantra creates a resonance in and around your head. These vibrations stimulate the hypothalamus (a gland that is responsible for regularising the release and functioning of a number of bodily functions including immunity) that then functions more efficiently responsible for the release of happy hormones so the happier you are, the stronger your immunity.

Apart from that chanting helps stimulates your chakras or the extrasensory energy centres. These chakras align themselves with certain essential lymph nodes and organs of the body that help in the proper functioning of the entire body. This in turn helps strengthen your immune system as the vibration aligns all your chakras, keeping your body disease free.

Increases concentration and learning who chanted mantras had better concentration and memory. This is because when you chant the Gayatri Mantra the resultant vibration first activates the three chakras that are present on your face and head — namely the third eye, throat and crown chakras. These three chakras help improve concentration as they directly relate to the brain and penial gland (crown chakra), eyes, sinuses, lower head, the pituitary gland (third eye chakra) and thyroid gland (throat chakra). When activated the vibrations help stimulate the associated glands– improving concentration and focus.

Improves your breathing: While chanting the mantra you are required to take deep controlled breaths that when done regularly, helps improve your lung function and therefore breathing. Apart from breathing deeply it also helps oxygenate the entire body therefore keeping you healthy.

Helps keep your heart healthy published in the significantly slows down a person’s breathing, which helps synchronize and regularize your heart beats, helping it stay healthy synchronized beating and functioning of the heart along are parameters that help keep heart disease at bay.

Improves the working of your nerves: As you chant the mantra the pressure that is exerted on your tongue, lips, vocal cord, palate and the connecting regions in and around your brain create a resonance or a vibration that helps strengthen and stimulate the functioning of your nerves. Apart from that it also stimulates the proper release of neurotransmitters that help in the conduction of impulses.

Helps beat damage caused due to stress: Chanting also helps beat stress-related oxidative damage Not only does it help your body build a stronger immune response but it also helps reverse the damage done by constant stress on your body. And since regular chanting helps keep stress at bay, the recitation of the Gayatri Mantra keeps you healthy.

Strengthens the mind and keeps depression at bay: Since the chanting of this mantra helps stimulate your brain, keeping you calm and more focused. The Gayatri Mantra also gives a person relief from stress making them more resilient. According to a study published in the International journal of Yoga, the chanting of a mantra helped stimulate the functioning of the vagus nerve, which is a common form of treatment for people with depression and epilepsy. Apart from that the vibrations from chanting the mantra stimulate the penial body and help in the release of endorphins and other relaxing hormones, that help keep depression at bay.

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